I Move Up with English!
Reading, Grammar & Vocabulary fun activities for the Cambridge A1 Movers exam, & 2 complete Practice Tests
Young Learners Practice! is a three-level series for young learners. Each level correlates with the Starters, Movers and Flyers levels in the Cambridge Young Learners English Exams.
The series provides a solid foundation and a positive experience in learning English and at the
same time preparing for the YLE exams.
- Immediate and focused practice on Grammar, Reading & Vocabulary.
- New language items in every unit.
Section A helps young learners use English with accuracy and confidence. Revision units in Section A consolidate learning and help learners prepare for Section B. Memorable songs and rhymes make learning more enjoyable.
Section B teaches Reading skills in the context of interesting and meaningful themes. The activities develop text-level comprehension. Vocabulary and exam tasks allow easy access to main learning points. Every task has a clear learning outcome.
The 2 complete Practice Tests in each book help learners familiarise themselves with the exam
and, at the same time, they continue to integrate new language items with existing knowledge.
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