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iTools provides the complete Student's Book and Workbook on screen as well as interactive games that provide whole-class fun practice of key vocabulary and grammar. The video material is integrated into the pages, making it easy to access, and audio tracks can be played by clicking on the page. You can choose to display the script, and if you do, the words are automatically highlighted as they are spoken making it easy for student's to follow, and linking listening with reading practice too. Integrated answer keys make self or peer marking much simpler as students will be able to see the correct answer on screen. You can reveal answers one by one or all at once, to suit your students. You can even hide the answers and then reveal them again to see how many they remember correctly. iTools comes with built in teaching tools that allow you to open up the content of the course and use the material in different ways tailored to your students requirements. It offers you the facility to hide parts of the page, highlight text on a page or type notes/answers on to the page during the lesson.
Clever features such as the spotlight tool also let you focus the whole class on a particular grammar point or exercise. The link tool lets you add in links to the web to support your lesson material, which can then be accessed with a single click. You can also toggle between the Student's Book and the Workbook and use the timer function to time students as they complete exercises.

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