Teach English through music, motion, and culture with Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English.
With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics, and a focus on real communication in English, Welcome to Our World prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that’s waiting for them.
New to This Edition
The following new and updated features of Welcome to Our World, Second Edition are based on extensive research and consultation with teachers and learners from around the world:
•UPDATED Global Content in the unit lessons and resources
•UPDATED Projects, now integrated into the units
•UPDATED Activities and Lesson Heads for easier on-page navigation
•NEW Video Support for Vocabulary, Songs, and Language in Use lessons
•NEW School Readiness support with activity suggestions
•NEW Sounds of English support for phonemic awareness
•NEW Mid- and End-of-Unit Reviews with games and activities
•NEW Three-Step Teaching Routines for every lesson
•NEW Classroom Presentation Tool with integrated resources for easy lesson presentation and teaching
•NEW Online Practice with additional games and activities for at-home practice and parents’ engagement